Quinn Willson's photo

Quinn Willson

Travailleur social, Médiateur familial
In my counselling practice, I work from a strengths-based perspective to help people improve their day to day functioning in different areas of life - work, family, relationships.

As a family mediator (with engagements), I help couples navigate separation and the division of assets and parental responsabilities (decision making, parenting time and child support). I'm opted into the govt subsidy program.

Services offerts

Social work individual & couples counselling
Family mediation


Work-life balance, workplace conflict, relationships, job satisfaction, career ambivalence, family mediation,

Clientèles cibles



Ordres professionnels ou associations



EN et FR

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Pour vous situer

4115 Sherbrooke St W, Westmount, Quebec H3Z 1K9, Canada
Bureau 200/400

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